There are a few key signs you can look for that will tell you when an electrical outlet is bad.
1. If the outlet doesn’t work at all or works intermittently, it could be a sign of faulty wiring.
2. If the outlet wiggles when you plug things in or pull the plug, you could be creating a fire hazard by jarring loose wires behind the outlet.
3. An outlet that has black streaks shooting up the wall is dangerous and needs to have the power cut to it immediately via the breaker panel.
4. If the outlet smokes, cut power to it—do not attempt to unplug whatever is currently plugged in.
5. Sounds of crackling could be burning wires. If it smells like burning wires or a burning smell in general, it is a key sign something bad is happening behind the walls.
If you notice any of these things in your home, cut power and immediately call an electrician in Florida. Any one of these signs could spell major trouble. Give Elcon Electric a call today if you suspect you may have a bad outlet in your home.