There are many reasons to bring the laundry facilities indoors, but one that may appeal most to you is the value it brings to the home. This is a big deal for your future because you are making an investment. If you already have a small room that is ready for the renovation, a Florida electrician can get right to work installing the 240-volt outlet you will need to run the washer and dryer. If your home didn’t previously have one of these outlets, a quick check of your electric panel will be needed. The high-powered outlet will need its own breaker. If one isn’t available, it is a straightforward fix.
If you are unsure of whether your electric panel has the available space for a dedicated breaker, don’t worry about it. This is best left to an experienced electrician to investigate and determine the safest course of action. Once everything is checked out and the installation can begin, you will be glad you made the decision. Don’t delay another day. Give Elcon Electric a call and see what needs to happen to bring your laundry facilities inside.