Frequently tripped breakers or lights flickering can mean your panel is nearing the end of its life. If you notice that you have to turn off appliances to use other appliances, it could mean that your electrical panel is malfunctioning. Shocks or smells are also a good sign you need a panel upgrade. When you start noticing these issues, it’s time to call an electrician to come take a look.
On the other hand, if you are installing any new appliances you may need an electrician to come out to add to your existing panel. You may have enough room in your panel but not enough power. This is the case too if you are adding an electric vehicle charger. An electrician can come out to your home to assess your electrical panel to see if adding additional circuit breakers will help with the load.
Elcon Electric visited on of our client’s homes to upgrade their electrical panel. With this upgrade they can add the additional appliances and have enough power to run everything in their home.