The kind of bugs you would expect to see living or stuck in your electrical outlets are fire ants, roaches, and bedbugs. These insects are attracted to dark, tight, and warm spaces.
We will discuss what could go wrong with the presence of bugs in your outlets and how you can handle this insect situation.
What insects can do to your outlets?
These critters squeeze themselves through cracks and holes to build a home within your walls. This is dangerous for many reasons. Sometimes they just get stuck there and eventually die.
Insects like ants can damage wires by chewing on them. This can lead to electrocution and one would think this should solve the problem, but even in their death, ants continue to give you more issues. They give off pheromones that summon other ants who in turn get electrocuted and their bodies pile up within the outlet. This can lead to a short circuit.
Cockroaches on the other hand like to stay in tight places where their shells and bodies touch. The secretion they produce can corrode receptacles, which can start a fire or damage the wiring of your home.
What you can do about it
- Confirm you have a bug problem.
A bug infestation in your wiring or outlet can be seen from the outside. Cockroaches may leave black dots of fecal matter around the outlet. Fire ants usually leave trails in and out their hiding place. Termites shed their wings and insects like wasps leave clumps of mud behind. Strange burning odors from outlets can also be a sign of an insect invasion. - Call both pros.
The first professional to call is a pest control specialist. The specialist will professionally eliminate the bugs and ensure that another infestation becomes impossible.Next, you should call an electrician. The electrician will assess the damage to your outlets or wiring and inform you on the best solutions for repair or replacement. They can also suggest a few ways to avoid such situations and protect your wiring.
- Take precautions
You can use additional measures to prevent a re-occurrence. Seal all openings in the home that could serve as entry points for bugs.