Electrician Miami – What is Knob & Tube Wiring?

Knob and tube wiring is a type of wiring that was one of the first methods of serving electricity to homes and businesses across the United States and other countries. The main purpose of this type of wiring was to provide electrical lighting to homes that had never experienced electricity before. Although it is still found in some homes that were built before 1940, most knob & tube wiring has been replaced by an electrician in Miami with more advanced, safe and modern types of electrical systems.

A knob and tube system uses single wires that are run through the walls and ceiling. Each wire is protected by ceramic or porcelain tube as it travels through studs, beams and other building components. The wires are then fastened to walls with a ceramic knob, which looks a bit like a sewing thread. This knob was attached to the wall, with the wire wrapped around it. When done properly, this would help to protect the building from contact with the live electrical wires.

In order to help hold the wire in place, most knobs were manufactured with a groove running around the center. Other varieties had wide edges that were designed to stop wires from slipping off the edge. Although this method was once the only way to receive electricity in your home, it is now considered very dangerous, and should be replaced immediately. Despite the fact that a well-maintained and properly installed knob and tube system can be very safe, the dangers lay in the fact that if your home still has knob & tube, it is very old. This means that components of the system have likely deteriorated. Furthermore, there is a good chance that your electrical system was not designed to handle the amount of electricity that you use on a daily basis. This can lead to overloading and other potentially dangerous situations.

To learn more about knob & tube wiring, or to have your electrical system inspected for safety, give our team at Elcon Electric a call. You can also brows the rest of our website, www.elconelectric.com, to learn more about this and other electrical topics.