Do Electrical Contractors Need to be Licensed in Florida

An electrical contractor handles larger tasks than an individual electrician. They primarily represent an electrical company or business. Electrical contractors are valued for their professionalism, experience, quick service, and overall efficiency.

Becoming an electrical contractor is no small feat and most times your location plays a vital role in this goal. Some states have specific rules or requirements to be met. In Florida, you need more than a knack for working on electrical systems. You need an electrical contractor’s license to work in Florida and this is sometimes challenging. The process is usually complicated but you can get through it successfully with the right resources.

We have put together the general requirements to get an electrical contractor license in Florida according to the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

  • You must be 18 years of age or above.
  • You must show good moral character which means qualities such as honesty and integrity in your interaction with the public.
  • You must have no pending litigation or judgment such as tax liens.
  • You must have no criminal history related to your business. For example, matters of embezzlement or physical abuse.
  • You must be licensed as an electrician for 3 years within the last 6 to 12 years
  • You must have 3 years of management experience.
  • You must have 4 years of training as a foreman, supervisor, or contractor in the trade within the last 8 years before applying for this license or you must have 6 years training in the experience and education of electrical contracting business.
  • You must have a minimum of 6 years of technical experience working on electrical services in a government entity or Armed Forces within the last 12 years. In the absence of this, the alternative is a combination of both qualifications totaling 6 years.
  • The required experience for the application must be up to 40% of work with 3 phase services.
  • Pass an exam for the application with up to 70%.
  • You must submit a copy of your credit report, alongside a personal and business financial report to show proof of your financial responsibility.
  • Finally, pay the licensing fee.

In Florida, handymen can be used for certain tasks in a home or building but are not permitted to carry out works that fall within the scope of a licensed contractor. Violation of this by a handyman attracts a fine and persecution. Homeowners and property owners in Florida are encouraged to hire the right professionals for appropriate tasks. For electrical tasks, a licensed electrical contractor should be called.