Ceiling Fans for Summer and Winter Says Electrician Miami Residents Trust

Miami weather is beautiful almost year round. You end up becoming more dependent on your air conditioning than your furnace, but there are times the temperatures dip and you are forced to rely on your heater to make your home comfortable. Considering you live in the Miami area, your home probably already has a ceiling fan. An electrician in Miami probably hooked it up for you and set it to rotate in a counter-clockwise motion to help create a nice cool breeze during the warm months. Elcon Electric has been installing ceiling fans for happy customers for years now.

However, what you may not realize is that fixture can also help keep you warm during those chilly periods. The process of changing your ceiling fan from a way to stay cool to a way to circulate warm air is simple. Simply turn the knob or touch the button that reverses the blade rotation. When the fans turn in a clockwise motion, the warm air that has risen to the ceiling is pushed down. This helps keep you warm without cranking up that furnace. It is also a great way to save a few dollars on your electric bill.

Relying solely on your furnace to heat your home can be expensive. All that warm air is wasted as it hovers near the ceiling doing nothing for you. If you do not have a ceiling fan and would like to have one installed, call your electrician. Miami residents will soon see the cost savings of a fan. The fan not only pushes it down, but also helps to circulate the warm air throughout the space. This helps regulate what the thermostat reads. When the hot air rises and the thermostat on the wall, which is typically about eye level, reads the air temperature to be lower, it will kick on the furnace. When the warm air is pushed down, the thermostat recognizes the heat and does not turn on the furnace.

Give Elcon Electric a call today and we will schedule your ceiling fan installation.

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